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Breakfast with the Chief event in Abbotsford raises $30K

Money goes towards police initiatives not covered by annual budget
Retiring Abbotsford Police Chief Mike Serr spoke at the annual Breakfast with the Chief fundraiser on Oct. 25 at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Centre. (Vikki Hopes/Abbotsford News)

The recent Crime is Toast – Breakfast with the Chief fundraiser raised more than $30,000 to support initiatives of the Abbotsford Police Department (APD).

The event was hosted by the Abbotsford Police Foundation on Oct. 25 at the Clarion Hotel and Conference Centre.

During the event, Mike Serr gave his last public speech before retiring Nov. 2 from his role as chief constable. New police chief Colin Watson also spoke.

Proceeds from the annual fundraiser go towards programs and services not covered by the APD’s annual budget.

These include Cheddar the PADS therapy dog, the K9 retirement program, the With a Good Heart Pow Wow, Movie Night in the Park, the Abbotsford Police City Basketball Tournament, the BC Law Enforcement Ride to Remember, the APD mentoring program, and the “It’s a No” online-safety campaign.

RELATED: Retiring Abbotsford police chief looks back on challenging events

APF president Sandy Blue said the foundation’s goal is to “connect police with community, build positive relationships and fund engaging AbbyPD initiatives.”

“This annual event accomplishes all three – and we’re so grateful for the generosity of our community who once again generously donated in support of making Abbotsford ‘the safest city in B.C.’ “

The APF does not receive any government funding. Those donating $25 a month or more (before Nov. 15) will receive one ticket to next year’s Breakfast with the Chief and one Cheddar therapy dog stuffie.

All qualified donations receive a charitable tax receipt. Visit for more information or to make a donation.

RELATED: New Abbotsford Police chief ‘excited for the future’

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