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UFV names new chancellor ahead of 50th anniversary

Jo-ann Archibald fourth chancellor in UFV history
UFV chancellor Jo-ann Archibald. (File photo)

Jo-ann Archibald was named the fourth chancellor in University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) history on Thursday (March 28).

Archibald begins her tenure on April 1, following two terms by Andy Sidhu. The announcement coincides with UFV’s 50th anniversary celebrations in April.

As chancellor, Archibald will serves as a ceremonial head of UFV. She will preside over convocation and conferring UFV credentials and will act as an ambassador for the school.

“I’ve witnessed UFV’s remarkable growth over the past five decades,” Archibald said. “Yet at the same time I feel it’s important that the university continues to address the needs of the region.”

A member of the Soowahlie First Nation, Archibald, also known as Q’um Q’um Xiiem, is a champion of Indigenous education.

She was a professor emeritus of educational studies at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and a recipient of an honorary degree from UFV in 2022. In 2018 Archibald was appointed as an officer of the Order of Canada for her work in Indigenous education.

At the public school level, Archibald has played a key role in the integration of Indigenous content and ways of knowing in the kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum.

“I’ve always valued the commitment and care of the university in the ways that it addressed Indigenous education for Stó:lō people and Indigenous people more broadly,” Archibald said.

In 1983, Archibald became the coordinator for the Chilliwack cohort of UBC’s Native Indian teacher education program which was based at the Fraser Valley College (now UFV). Archibald has built strong connections with UFV over the years.

The chancellor is appointed by the UFV board of governors upon the recommendation of the Alumni Association and in consultation with the UFV senate. The chancellor serves as a member of the board of governors and UFV senate.

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