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Abbotsford's Sandy Hill Elementary begins construction for accessible playground

Groundwork has begun for first of two phases of addition
Sandy Hill Elementary accessible playground portion has broke ground.

Sandy Hill Elementary School is finally getting its accessible playground that they have spent all school year raising money for.

They have split the project into two phases, and phase one is expected to be completed in July.

"We decided to split the project into two because we knew we wouldn't achieve our goal of $80,000 in a timely manner," Sandy Hill PAC chair Brooke Kuyer said. "We are really happy to be moving forward with the first portion of this project." 

From school dance parties to private donations, they have raised the $40,000 required for the first half. 

A wheelchair-using Grade 2 student was the inspiration for the funding. Kuyer wants to ensure that there is at least a portion of the playground installed for the child to enjoy before they go to middle school. 

The Abbotsford school district facilities crew has begun groundwork. The playground piece is an accessible buddy bus and is slated to be installed on July 5. 

Phase two of the project will include the inclusive sensory component with musical instruments. Sandy Hill is hopeful it will be complete by the end of the 2025 school year. 

RELATED: Abbotsford’s Sandy Hill Elementary PAC raising money for accessible playground

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